First Baptist Church Guelph Writers' Workshop – Writing and Spirituality

Sat, Jun 1 2019, 9:30 am - 11:30 am

First Baptist Church Guelph is holding a free writers workshop on writing and spirituality, led by Guelph poet and playwright Valerie Senyk,Saturday, June 1, 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM.

The event is an inter-faith workshop on writing and spirituality, exploring "the Word" and "spirituality" as expressed in various religions, and then putting pens to paper to seek expression through poetry and prose, with a sharing of our efforts.

Valerie Senyk received her BFA in Fine Arts and an MA in Drama from the University of Saskatchewan, in Saskatoon, and taught Theatre Arts at universities in both Saskatchewan and Ontario for twenty-three years. She has worked as an actor, director, and is a published and recorded performance poet. She has experimented with documentary and alternative filmmaking, and has recently returned to her roots as a visual artist. At seventeen she embraced the Baha’i Faith, and has allowed it to inspire and teach her, giving her the courage to live life as an ongoing adventure for learning.

Coffee and tea will be provided. Please reserve your spot by emailing