Vocamus Writers Community Authors

Amir Al-Azraki

Amir Al-Azraki is a playwright and literary translator.

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Madhur Anand

MADHUR ANAND is a scientist and poet.

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Kate Anderson-…

KATE ANDERSON-BERNIER is a writer of fiction.

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Phil Andrews

Phil Andrews is a writer, journalist, and communications consultant. He is the editor of GUELPH MERCURY RISING.

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Stacey Aspinall

Stacey Aspinall is a writer of poetry.

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Lisa Baird

Lisa Baird is a writer of poetry and nonfiction.

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Sandy Bassie

SANDY BASSIE is a writer of poetry and short story.

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Darius M. Bee

Darius M. Bee is an activist, artist, educator, organizer, storyteller, and writer.

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Aaron Blair

AARON BLAIR is a writer of middle grade fiction.

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Stephen W. Briggs

STEPHEN W. BRIGGS is an author of crime novels.

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Melinda Burns

MELINDA BURNS is a published poet and psychotherapist living in Guelph Ontario.

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Edward Butts

EDWARD BUTTS is an author of books on history.

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Kinnery Chaparrel

Kinnery Chaparrel is an author of poetry.

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Mike Chaulk

MIKE CHAULK is a poet.

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Charmian Christie

CHARMIAN CHRISTIE is an author of cookbooks.

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James Clarke

JAMES CLARKE is a poet with many volumes of published work.

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Deanna Clatworthy

Deanna Clatworthy is an author chidlren's books.

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Ann Clayton

ANN CLAYTON is a poet and literary critic specializing in women writers of Canada and South Africa.

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Shayne Coffin

SHAYNE COFFIN is a writer of poetry.

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Laura Cok

LAURA COK is a writer of poetry and literary fiction.

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Kasandra Coleman

Kasandra Coleman is an author of children's books.

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Dawn Cornelio

Dawn Cornelio is a translator of French fiction.

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Dylan Curran

DYLAN CURRAN is a writer of literary fiction and poetry.

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Douglas Davey

Douglas Davey is a writer of literary YA fiction.

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Arlene Davies-Fuhr

Arlene Davies-Fuhr is an author and musician.

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Sonia Day

Sonia Day is a writer of cookbooks.

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Candace De Taeye

Candace De Taeye is a print based poet and paramedic based in Guelph, ON

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Tristan Dineen

TRISTAN DINEEN is an author of fantasy.

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Nick Dinka

NICK DINKA is a writer and creative entrepreneur.

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Sheri Doyle

Sheri Doyle is an editor, author, and poet.

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Colin Dunbar

COLIN DUNBAR is an author of science fiction and thriller.

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Bonnie M. Durtnall

Bonnie M. Durtnall is a researcher and writer of local history.

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Drew Edwards

DREW EDWARDS is a professional journalist and writer.

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Richard Elmes

Richard Elmes is an author of poetry and fiction.

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Nikki Everts

NIKKI EVERTS is a writer of poetry and mystery.

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Ivanka Fear

Ivanka Fear is a writer of poetry, short fiction, and crime fiction.

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Martin Featherston

MARTIN FEATHERSTON is a writer of fiction.

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Gloria Ferris

GLORIA FERRIS is a writer of mysteries with a twist of humour.

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Colleen Fisher Tully

Colleen Fisher Tully is a writer, editor and workshop facilitator.

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Jack Florek

JACK FLOREK is a novelist and a playwright.

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Jennifer Fraser

Jennifer Fraser is a writer of fiction.

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Martina Freitag

MARTINA FREITAG is a writer of creative non-fiction.

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J. A. Gibbens

J. A. GIBBENS is an author of mystery and suspense novels.

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Joy Lynn Goddard

JOY LYNN GODDARD is a writer of fiction for pre-teens, teens, and adults.

James Gordon

JAMES GORDON is a playwright and a novelist.

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Philip Gosling

Philip Gosling is an author of memoir.

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Josée Gratton

Josée Gratton is a writer of non-fiction.

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Wendy Gruner

WENDY GRUNER is a writer of fiction and memoir.

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Joanne Guidoccio

JOANNE GUIDOCCIO is a writer of paranormal romance novels.

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Michael Hale

MICHAEL HALE is a writer of speculative fiction.

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