Membra Jesu nostri: a sung devotion

Fri, Jun 7 2024, 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm

ANIMA presents a concert in celebration of Pride on Friday June 7, 7:30 PM, at the| Guelph Civic Museum (52 Norfolk Street, Guelph).

Membra Jesu nostri is a queer and trans-y reenactment of the devotional rhythms of this beautiful Medieval hymn, as set to music by Dietrich Buxtehude in 1680.

A work of spiritual reclamation and erotic celebration, this work also celebrates the quotidian rhythms of caregiving, and acknowledges the agony of grief.

This sung devotion is a coming together of music and texts and of friends old & new. It’s a work of breath and movement and of heartfelt listening.

The gentle conversation of this première performance has been made possible by the Canada Council for the Arts and the kind offices of composer James Rolfe (, who edited our musical scores.

A chapbook with new words by Luke Hathaway and an afterword by Daniel Cabena is printed and published by Karen Schindler, Baseline Press (

For more information:

Tickets are available at the door (Pay-What-You-Can).

More details here –