VWC Workshop – Nikki Everts – Creating Characters with Character

Tue, Jun 25 2024, 6:00 pm - 8:15 pm

Nikki Everts leads a Vocamus Writers Community workshop on Creating Characters with Character on Tuesday June 25, 6:00 PM to 8:15 PM, at Vocamus Writers Community's new space at 255 Woolwich Street.

All are welcome: Whether already deep into a writing project or just thinking about one, bring your favourite pen, pencil, or electronic device and be ready to write, explore, share, listen, and learn about how to develop characters that really have character.

To access the new space, park in the parking lot at First Baptist Church, walk past the front of the church and down the path on the left-hand side of the building, then ring the doorbell at the doors.

Registration is via email at vocamuswriterscommunity@gmail.com. Please register 48 hours prior to the workshop to allow the leader time to adequately prepare any materials.