EMWF Workshop: Everyday Poetics

Thu, Sep 5 2024, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

The Eden Mills Writers Festival presents an online workshop on Everyday Poetics: Writing Practices, Reflections, and Strategies, led by Dallas Hunt, Thursday September 5, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Register here – https://edenmillswritersfestival.ca/writing-workshops/.

This workshop will focus on poetic practice, both how to cultivate daily writing practices, but also on the everyday elements of being a writer (from bios, to considerations about audience, among other things). The workshop will also focus on how we situate ourselves in our writing–not only how we present ourselves, but how we are read by our various and varying audiences. It’s a workshop on writing, but one that will interrogate why we write and the stakes in doing so.

Participants of this workshop will:

    learn how to create and maintain optimal conditions for writing
    learn how to generate new poetic material from everyday objects and texts
    learn how to navigate the everyday minutiae of being “a writer”
    learn how to be accountable to yourself and your audience in your writing practice

$50 (save 10% if you register for more than one workshop.

Dallas Hunt is Cree and a member of Wapsewsipi (Swan River First Nation) in Treaty Eight territory in northern Alberta. He has had creative works published in Prairie Fire, PRISM international and Arc Poetry. His first children’s book, Awâsis and the World-famous Bannock, was published through Highwater Press in 2018, and was nominated for several awards. His first poetry collection, Creeland, published in 2022, was nominated for the George Ryga Award for Social Awareness in Literature, Gerald Lampert Memorial Award and the Indigenous Voices Award. Hunt lives in Vancouver, BC.