VWC Workshop – Peter Szabo – Screenwriting Facts and Fictions

Thu, Oct 3 2024, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Peter Szabo leads a Vocamus Writers Community workshop on Screenwriting Facts and Fictions on Thursday October 3, 6:00 PM, at Vocamus Writers Community's new space at 255 Woolwich Street.

This 2 and 1/2 hour workshop is intended for those looking to explore storytelling for media (including fiction and documentary TV and film)
In the time it takes to watch a movie and using lecture, discussion, and hands-on writing, you'll learn about the following aspects of screenplays: who are they written for (the audience), how are they the same and different from narrative writing, the structure and formats, developing story and characters, the production flow for creating movies and shows, and adapting narrative writing for screens.

To access the new space, park in the parking lot at First Baptist Church, walk past the front of the church and down the path on the left-hand side of the building, then ring the doorbell at the doors.

Registration is via email at vocamuswriterscommunity@gmail.com. Please register 48 hours prior to the workshop to allow the leader time to adequately prepare any materials.