Vocamus Chapbook Launch

Wed, Aug 28 2024, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Join Vocamus Writers Community as it launches new poetry chapbooks from local authors Kinnery Chaparrel, James Nowak, and Jacob Wilde, along with guest Jeremy Luke Hill.

The launch will be on Wednesday August 28, at 6:30 PM, in the outdoor learning pavilion at GCVI for those who require social distancing.

Here's a little more about the books:

  • Kinnery Chaparrel's The Diaries of Aristogeiton — In this tale of queer love and courage, Kinnery Chaparrel revives the legendary Athenian lovers, Aristogeiton and Harmodios, who dared to defy tyranny.
  • James Nowak's Draw Me the Sky — Draw Me The Sky is a chapbook of erasure poems drawn from De Religione, a work of theology written in the Wendat language around 1670 by Father Phillipe, a Jesuit missionary to the Wendat people in Québec.
  • Jacob Wilde's Insecta — In Insecta, Jacob Wilde blurs the line between humans and insects in ways that are both unexpected and profoundly moving, challenging us to learn empathy and connection from the smallest of creatures.
  • Jeremy Luke Hill's Microchinaera (Baseline Press) — Microchimaera is a collection of poetry that uses the image of maternal microchimaerism in order to explore themes about adoption and fostering.