The Rules

The Rules

No one on this flight is human. 


Hour 1: talk to no one. 

Hour 2: do not look out your window. Talk to no one. 

Hour 3: converse with the person that will come to sit directly next to you, and follow their instructions exactly. Do not look out the windows. Talk to no one else. 

Hour 4: go to the washroom, and lock yourself in. Do not open the door, no matter what. Do not look out the windows. Talk to no one. 

Hour 5: return to your seat. Do not look at any screens. Do not look out the windows. Talk to no one. 

Hour 6: stay away from It. you will know It when you see It. 

Hour 7: stay away from It. Go to the door. Open it. It will be pitch-black outside, but you must step out immediately. 

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