Vocamus Writers Community is once again partnering with the Guelph Public Library to offer free writing workshops on Sunday afternoons in February. The events are all free, but please do register at the links provided so that the workshops leaders can plan accordingly.
Here are the details –
Judith Nasby will be leading a session on "The Art if Memoir" on Sunday February 2, 2:00 PM to 3:00 in the Main Library Program Room – https://guelphpl.libnet.info/event/12649727.
James Nowak will be leading an online session on "Poetry 101 - The Line" on Sunday February 9, 2:00 PM to 3:00 – https://guelphpl.libnet.info/event/12792284.
Lauren Wright Vartanian will be leading an online session on "Stitching Science" on Sunday February 16, 2:00 PM to 3:00 in the Main Library Program Room – https://guelphpl.libnet.info/event/12649713.