Friends of Vocamus Press Welcomes Cheryl Cowtan

Friends of Vocamus Press is pleased to welcome Cheryl Cowtan.

Cheryl is an award-winning educator and author whose love of writing shines through in her fiction and non-fiction works. In her epic and dark fantasy novels, Cowtan’s protagonists suffer madness, soulless, betrayed existences, must challenge the status quo, choose the moral high road, and sacrifice almost everything to survive worse things than death. Her series, The Fergus She, puts the fang back in vampire, and the vampire in her own backyard—Guelph. Cowtan loves setting her novels in her hometowns, placing her characters on remembered streets, in her old haunts, and sneaking them into places she used to live. Cowtan currently lives in the country and counts her blessings the only monsters in her life are the ones in her books.

You can find her links and books on her bio page.