Nikki Everts is Our Fall Retreat Coordinator

Vocamus Writers Community is pleased to announce that Nikki Everts is our new Fall Retreat Coordinator. Nikki is a poet and a long-time participant in our community. We're excited that she's taken on this role.

We previously announced this year's retreat, but we've been having some email difficulties, so even if you've already tried to register, please do so again at

This year's retreat is at Eramosa Retreat Centre on Sunday September 23, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Bring your own lunch - coffee, tea, snacks and a lovely sylvan venue are provided. Morning is devoted to writing, noon we break for lunch, and in the afternoon, you can choose to keep writing or share a small piece of your writing for constructive feedback in a group setting.

Th cost is $20 per person.