VWC Welcomes Ivanka Fear

Vocamus Writers Community is pleased to welcome Ivanka Fear.

Ivanka is a Slovenian born writer residing in Wellington County. She writes poetry, short fiction, and crime fiction novels. Ivanka earned her B.A. and B.Ed. in English and French at Western University. Prior to pursuing writing full time, she enjoyed a long career in education. Her poems and short stories have appeared in numerous publications in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K., including Spadina Literary Review, October Hill Magazine, Understorey, The South Shore Review, Blank Spaces, Montreal Writes, Orchards Poetry, and Mystery Tribune. Her debut novel, The Dead Lie, published by Level Best Books, is the first of five in the Blue Water Mysteries series. The first of three books in the Jake and Mallory series, Where is My Husband?, is scheduled for release by Level Best in October. Ivanka is a member of International Thriller Writers and Sisters in Crime.

You can find our more about Ivanka on her Vocamus Writers Community author profile page – https://vocamus.net/community/authors/ivanka-fear.