VWC Welcomes Deepa Rajagopalan

Vocamus Writers Community is pleased to welcome Deepa Rajagopalan.

Deepa is the author of the short story collection, Peacocks of Instagram. She won the 2021 PEN Canada New Voices Award for the title story of the collection. Her writing has appeared in literary magazines such as The New Quarterly, Room MagazineThe Malahat Review, and the anthologies like the Bristol Short Story Prize 2023. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Guelph, and a certificate in Creative Writing from the University of Toronto's SCS. Born in Saudi Arabia to Indian parents, she moved to India as an adolescent, and later to the United States and Canada in her twenties. She lives in Guelph and works in the tech industry in Toronto. 

You can find more about Deepa on her Vocamus Writers Community profile page – https://vocamus.net/community/authors/deepa-rajagopalan.

You can check out her new book here – https://vocamus.net/community/publications/literary-fiction/peacocks-instagram.