Vocamus Writers Community Publications
Story Maker: an illustrated book of knitting, fibre & fable
Story Maker is an illustrated short novel that includes 12 original knitting patterns inspired by the story.
By: Alexis Hoy
Sublingual Syllabus
Sublingual Syllabus is a collection of poetry and images.
By: Kevin Unstruck
The Subversive Evangelical: The Ironic Charisma of an Irreligious Megachurch
The sociology of charisma as seen in Bruxy Cavey
By: Peter Schuurman
A novel about the social and political consequences of the inequality created by privilege and power.
By: Thomas King
Survivor Pack
Survivor pack is a children's story about four wolves who loose their home to a forest fire, and work together to find a new one.
By: Elianna Wylie