Vocamus Writers Community Publications - Humour

The Pleasure Seekers: The Pridden Saga: Book Four

The island nation of Glowen hides a secret that must be kept at all costs, This plus the repellant oversexed inhabitants put Kat in danger

By: Marilyn Kleiber


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Reaper Bliss

ghosts, witches, abandoned burial ground, cemetery, reaper, small town, mystery, suspense, romance, humour

By: Gloria Ferris


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The Warriors: The Pridden Saga: Book Three

Kat enters Rifella and is mistaken for a red-headed Royal-born Rifellan. When Liandock the striking Metal-Master walks into her life again,

By: Marilyn Kleiber


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Wedded Bliss

mystery series, humour, book 3.5

By: Gloria Ferris


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Worlds May Change - A Mechanic Falls Gem Caper (#1)

Caper, Action, Paranormal, Romance, Humour

By: Jamie Tremain


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Worlds May Change - A Mechanic Falls Gem Caper (#1)

Caper, Action, Paranormal, Romance, Humour

By: Gloria Ferris


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