Vocamus Writers Community Publications

The Pleasure Seekers: The Pridden Saga: Book Four

The island nation of Glowen hides a secret that must be kept at all costs, This plus the repellant oversexed inhabitants put Kat in danger

By: Marilyn Kleiber


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Postcolonial Perspectives

Postconial Perspectives is a work of literart criticism that explores English South Africal fiction during the apartheid era.

By: Ann Clayton


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A collection of poetry.

By: Candace De Taeye


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The Quality of Mercy

A collection of poetry that responds to questions of family and spirituality and legacy.

By: James Clarke


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Qui sait quand arrive la mort ? - La Chasseresse de démons, Tome 2

Romans graphiques, genre du suspense gothique classique

By: Paulus L


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Reaper Bliss

ghosts, witches, abandoned burial ground, cemetery, reaper, small town, mystery, suspense, romance, humour

By: Gloria Ferris


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The Rebels

The Rebels is an alternate reality book where Adolf Hitler won World War 2, and someone has to resist.

By: Elianna Wylie


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The Reluctant Gunner

The story of a young man serving in India during WWII.

By: Vincent Gilbert


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