Vocamus Writers Community Publications

Ordinary Eternal Machinery

A chapbook of hybrid poetry/essay.

By: Jeremy Luke Hill


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"Other People's Problems"

Character driven humorous short fiction.

By: Marion Reidel


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Out of the Closet in My Mind

The memoir of a man who grew up in the 50’s, got married, fathered five children, knowing all the while that he was a woman.

By: Janet Manne


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Peacocks of Instagram

literary fiction; fiction; short stories; canlit

By: Deepa Rajagopalan


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Peregrines: Hunters Moon

A comic book in the Peregrines universe.

By: Chris Sanagan


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A Persistent Pilgrim

A spiritual memoir of the Camino de Santiago de Compostela.

By: James Lafferty


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Petra's Ghost

A man's pilgrimage becomes something from his darkest nightmares when secrets arise and ghosts haunt his path.

By: C. S. O'Cinneide


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The Pieces of Lola’s Heart

A story of friendship and how the relationships we form in our life, remain a piece of our heart forever.

By: Kasandra Coleman


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