AVRIL BORTHIRY has lived in Guelph since 1989, but hails from Cumbria, England, with Celtic roots reaching back into Wales and Ireland. Maybe that’s why the ancient legends of the British Isles hold such fascination for her and serve as inspiration for her novels. In between chapters, Avril likes to broaden her style by writing short stories on a variety of subjects. When the mood takes her, she also writes poetry, which further stimulates and challenges her creativity. Avril has one son who has made her immensely proud, and she recently became a new grandmother to a very special little girl.
Avril’s Website: www.avrilborthiry.com
Avril’s Facebook Page: Quill and Ink by Avril Borthiry
Avril’s Email: allwrite@rogers.com
Triskelion (South Knoll Publishing, 2014)
The Cast of the Stone (South Knoll Publishing, 2014)
Don’t Piss Off the Fairies (South Knoll Publishing, 2014)
Ascension and Other Journeys (South Knoll Publishing, 2013)
Three Thousand Seasons (South Knoll Publishing, 2012)
Annie and Other Flotsam (South Knoll Publishing, 2011)