Kat McNichol

KAT MCNICHOL is the Editor-in-Chief of Dreamers Creative Writing. She is also the Co-Editor for the Journal of Integrated Studies. She holds a B.A. in English Literature, and an MAIS in Writing and New Media, and Literary Studies. She is about to begin PhD studies in Career Writing at the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands where she will use autoethnography and writing as method to research the impact that therapeutic writing has on career identity.

Kat has spent the past decade writing marketing copy for the high-tech industry. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous trade publications, journals and anthologies including Riverfeet Press, the Journal of Arts and Humanities, and Every Day Fiction.

Kat was longlisted for Pulp Literature’s Bumblebee Flash Fiction contest and shortlisted for their Raven Short Story contest. Two of her stories were shortlisted for the 2017 Eden Mills Literary Contest.

Dreamers Creative Writing
Journal of Integrated Studies
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