Robin Elizabeth Downey

ROBIN ELIZABETH DOWNEY was born under a much different name in Toronto, Ontario in 1952. This picture is not of her, but it represents her better than most.

She was a highschool teacher for many years, using her summers to roadtrip across North America, sometimes as far south as Costa Rica. She was bisexual long before most people knew exactly what that meant. She never married but has two adult children.

Robin writes erotica because it’s the last literary genre that has something left to say. She also writes poetry, whether or not it has something left to say. Her collection of erotic stories, Every Way I Know How, was released in the spring of 2015. She has long been working on a collection of poetry that she feels might be nearing completion. She is also in the midst of writing a novel entitled, The True History of a Professional Cunningulist.

She now makes her home in Guelph, Ontario.

Every Way I Know How (Robin Elizabeth Downey, 2015)

Writings by Robin Elizabeth Downey