JERRY PRAGER is a heritage and landscape stone worker by trade, the author of three volumes on the Calabrian mafia of Guelph, Legends of the Morgeti; several books of poetry, is currently working on a series on fugitive slaves and how they came to Wellington County, the first and second of which books: Laying the Bed: the Native Origins of the Underground Railroad, and Exodus and Arrival: Fugitive Roads to Guelph and Beyond have already been published, The third book, Blood in the Mortar: Freedom and Stone is slated for publication in the spring of 2018. He is also preparing the first six books of a novel series.
He has lived in Elora since October 2013.
Blood in the Mortar: Freedom in Stone (Forthcoming)
Echoes in the Timbers (Elora Poetry Centre, 2017)
Exodus & Arrival: Fugitive Roads to Guelph and Beyond
Laying the Bed: The Native Origins of the Undergound Railroad
Legends of Morgeti, 1909-1949
Legends of the Morgeti, Volumes 1 -3
Selected Works: Poetry and Prose Poetry
Creemore: From Mud Lake to the Hog Special
The Wake of the Asia: A Play
Stayner: The Missing Years
Providence and the Itinerant (Childe Thursday Press)
The Well Versed Heart (Childe Thursday Press)
The Footling and Other Poems of Arrival (Childe Thursday Press)