Jerry Prager

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JERRY PRAGER is a heritage and landscape stone worker by trade, the author of three volumes on the Calabrian mafia of Guelph, Legends of the Morgeti; several books of poetry, is currently working on a series on fugitive slaves and how they came to Wellington County, the first and second of which books: Laying the Bed: the Native Origins of the Underground Railroad, and Exodus and Arrival: Fugitive Roads to Guelph and Beyond have already been published, The third book, Blood in the Mortar: Freedom and Stone is slated for publication in the spring of 2018. He is also preparing the first six books of a novel series.

He has lived in Elora since October 2013.

Blood in the Mortar: Freedom in Stone (Forthcoming)
Echoes in the Timbers (Elora Poetry Centre, 2017)
Exodus & Arrival: Fugitive Roads to Guelph and Beyond
Laying the Bed: The Native Origins of the Undergound Railroad
Legends of Morgeti, 1909-1949
Legends of the Morgeti, Volumes 1 -3
Selected Works: Poetry and Prose Poetry
Creemore: From Mud Lake to the Hog Special
The Wake of the Asia: A Play
Stayner: The Missing Years
Providence and the Itinerant (Childe Thursday Press)
The Well Versed Heart (Childe Thursday Press)
The Footling and Other Poems of Arrival (Childe Thursday Press)

Titles by Jerry Prager

Writings by Jerry Prager