Vocamus Writers Community Authors

Dara Nolan

Dara Nolan is an Irish/Canadian author of poetry.

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Gloria Nye

GLORIA NYE is a writer of historical fiction.

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C. S. O'Cinneide

C. S. O'CINNEIDE is a writer of crime fiction & literary thrillers

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Kali Pearson

Kali Pearson is a writer of fiction.

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Jeffrey Reid Pettis

JEFFREY REID PETTIS is a writer of poetry.

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Ed Pickersgill

ED PICKERSGILL is an author of poetry and non-fiction.

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Karen Ralph

KAREN RALPH is a writer of novels and short fiction.

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Marie-Claire Recurt

MARIE-CLAIRE RECURT is a writer of short fiction in both French and English.

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Marion Reidel

MARION REIDEL is a writer of humorous short fiction.

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Catherine Reilly

CATHERINE REILLY Is an author of poetry and fiction.

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Greg Rhyno

GREG RHYNO is just trying his best.

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Stuart A. Ross

STUART A. ROSS is a writer of self-help books.

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Justin Rossier

JUSTIN ROSSIER is a writer of fiction.

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Nora Ruddock

NORA RUDDOCK is a poet and multi-mdia artist.

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Chris Sanagan

Chris Sanagan is a writer of comics.

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Aaron Senitt

AARON SENITT is an educator and artist.

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Karen Smythe

KAREN SMYTHE is an author of literary novels and short fiction.

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John Braden Speers

JOHN BRADEN SPEERS is an author of poetry.

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L. M. Spilsbury

L. M. Spilsbury is a writer of Sci-Fi and Fantasy

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Patricia Squire

Patricia Squire is an author of hisorical fiction.

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Bieke Stengos

Bieke Stengos is a writer of poetry and fiction. Her first collection of poetry published in Canada was ABANDONED BY THE MUSE.

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Peter Szabo

Peter Szabo is an author of fiction and screenplays

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Claire Tacon

CLAIRE TACON is a writer of literary fiction.

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Serena Tene

SERENA TENE is a writer of poetry.

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Marian Thorpe

Marian L Thorpe is a writer of historical and urban fantasy.

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Ashley Tindall

Ashley Tindall is a writer of memoir.

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Jamie Tremain

JAMIE TREMAIN is the author of mystery novels.

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Kevin Unstruck

Kevin Unstruck is an author of poetry.

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Tom Vaine

TOM VAINE is a writer of speculative fiction.

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Kira Vermond

KIRA VERMOND is a writer of non-fiction books for childreen and pre-teens.

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JENNIFER VETTOR is a storyteller

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Katarina Vuckovic

Katarina Vuckovic is a poet and writer of fiction

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Anne Walk

ANNE WALK is a writer of literary fiction.

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Donna Warner

DONNA WARNER is an author of crime fiction, romantic suspense & creative non-fiction

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Judy Wearing

Judy Wearing is a writer of non-fiction.

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Samantha Blair White

SAMANTHA BLAIR WHITE is an author of poetry.

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Mark Whoachickie

MARK WHOACHICKIE is a writer of children's literature.

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Jacob Wilde

Jacob Wilde is an author of poetry.

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Jeffery Wilkinson

Jeffery Wilkinson is a writer of non -fiction.

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Sue Williams

SUE WILLIAMS is a writer of memoir.

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Jessica Wilson

JESSICA WILSON is an author of poetry and philosophy.

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Janice Wiseman

JANICE WISEMAN is a writer of plays and children's literature.

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Elianna Wylie

Elianna Wylie is an author of genre fiction novels.

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