Vocamus Writers Community - Children's Literature


Tamara Jong

TAMARA JONG is a non-fiction writer

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Greg Kennedy

GREG KENNEDY is a writer of poetry.

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Jenny Lichty

JENNY LICHTY is an author of children's books.

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Kim Davids Mandar

KIM DAVIDS MANDAR is a writer of poetry and children's literature.

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Robert Munsch

Robert Munsch is an author of children's books.

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Kira Vermond

KIRA VERMOND is a writer of non-fiction books for childreen and pre-teens.

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Mark Whoachickie

MARK WHOACHICKIE is a writer of children's literature.

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Janice Wiseman

JANICE WISEMAN is a writer of plays and children's literature.

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Elianna Wylie

Elianna Wylie is an author of genre fiction novels.

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